We get thousands of advertisements shoved into our faces every day, including for hemp-based products. Brands will talk about cannabinoids, potency, and terpenes…but none of that can resonate with a shopper unless the shopper knows what those things are. Otherwise, they are just words.
That is where education comes into play. Education can come in a lot of different forms, from research papers, to educational videos, to podcasts and beyond. Once you find the best way for you to learn, the sky is the limit!
Education Dispels Myths and Rumors
The lack of knowledge about the hemp plant led to a rise in rumors about the hemp plant over decades. While we now know that individual cannabinoids produce different effects depending on how they interact with the endocannabinoid system, this was not the case in the past.
For example, a common (and now debunked) misconception about hemp is that it is the exact same thing as its more potent cousin, marijuana. However, thanks to modern research seeking to understand the hemp plant, we now know this is not the case. By developing an understanding of how the two plants are different, we can create laws defining the two and regulations surrounding each type of plant.
It is important to remember much of the research surrounding hemp is still considered preliminary. However, an influx of biomass has helped research teams conduct larger studies, explore niche areas of the plant, and develop more consistency across their research.
Education Helps Shoppers Identify Quality Brands
There are thousands of different brands on the market. From specialty shops to gas stations, hemp-based products can be found on store shelves everywhere you look. In fact, there are so many selections, it can be difficult to discern which is a quality product and which is a dud.
That is where education comes into play. The best brands will invest in consumer education in addition to making sure their products meet strict quality controls. They know the value in a well-educated consumer who is willing to invest in a higher quality product rather than one that is cheaper or has flashier packaging.

How to Learn About Hemp
There are many different ways to learn about hemp. In the last decade, research on the plant has expanded what we know about it, creating new pathways both in the scientific and medical communities. To begin learning about hemp, here are just a few ways to get started;
- Start listening to podcasts hosted by reputable brands and industry professionals
- Watch educational videos from trustworthy sources
- Read educational articles and research papers
- Listen to audiobooks and read physical books
- Ask questions and have conversations with industry professionals
There are dozens of ways to learn about hemp and the products that can be created from it. The best part about there being so many ways is that those who want to learn about hemp can explore different ways until they find what works best for them.
The Bottom Line
Consumer education is an important part of the hemp industry. An educated consumer not only knows what the hemp plant is but also knows how to distinguish a quality product from a poor one. Quality brands know this and choose to invest in consumer education.
Not only that but understanding how the hemp plant works and how it can be used helps dispel myths and rumors. Modern research has played a crucial role in accomplishing this. Thanks to research from teams all over the globe, we are developing a clear understanding of how hemp can be used in the medical field, as part of the housing crisis solution, and more.
Education surrounding hemp is important for more than just a few reasons. Without it, we would not understand how this incredible plant holds so much potential. And with using preliminary studies as building blocks, the sky is the limit!